Louise Portal Trail
Following the shoreline of Silver Lake (lac d’Argent), the Louise Portal Trail runs from the heart of Eastman to Des Diligences Road. Two kilometres in length, the multi-use path is shared by walkers, runners and cyclists. Dogs must be kept on leash.
Built on an old railbed, the trail is named for renowned actor, singer, speaker and author Louise Portal. Many credit her with putting Eastman on the map. In 2002, she co-founded the Correspondances d’Eastman literary festival.
The Louise Portal Trail also connects with La Montagnarde, a gravel route providing access to Parc national du Mont-Orford.
5 min
2 km
9 m
No dogs allowed

Starting location

Discover the complete detour
Around the Lake in Eastman: As Zen as It Gets!
2 stops
6.4 km
1 h 26
Other activities nearby
Discover the Cultural Calendar
From the spoken arts to dance, the territory of the MRC of Memphrémagog is full of memorable cultural opportunities not to be missed.